For the past three weeks, we’ve all been on “lockdown”; staying at home in a bid to help stop the spread of coronavirus and to protect the vital NHS.  

As well as these obvious positives, staying at home is also bringing with it a bonus benefit; spending less. Eating in, watching TV and hanging out inside has always been a great way of cutting down spending, however the temptations of the outside world always seemed to tempt us away.

Around 12 million adults don’t have any form of saving or investing account*, while almost half of people who do save £100 or less a month. Almost a quarter of people have no savings at all*. So, if you’re in a fortunate position where your income hasn’t yet changed and you’ve noticed your spending reduce during this period of social distancing, maybe it’s time to start considering investing, and getting that money to work for your future.  

If unfortunately, you are someone whose income has been affected by enforced time off, you may still be able to take steps to potentially make it easier to save once this has passed. 

Explore our i-stock accounts to find a portfolio or product that may be suitable for your needs and risk appetite – with 10 portfolios to choose from there is more than likely going to be one that will be right for you.  The app allows you to save your money as regularly as you wish, with 24/7 access and daily liquidity.

At i-stock, we are incredibly aware that financially, this is a tough time for many and we want to be able to support as best we can. We hope you are all staying safe.
